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Renew Florida RN License: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are a registered nurse in Florida, you are working in the state with one of the highest registered nurse employment levels in the US. Florida also has one of the highest populations of seniors, providing plenty of opportunities for healthcare professionals. Considering the average salary for a registered nurse in Florida is $72,000 per year, being a healthcare professional in the state can be a lucrative career.

To ensure high care delivery standards and to remain legally permitted to practice, you must renew your registered nurse license. Each state requires nurses to renew their credentials. A critical part of the license renewal process is completing a number of nursing continuing education contact hours defined by the state’s nursing board.

In Florida, the Florida Board of Nursing is responsible for issuing nursing licenses and providing oversight for renewals. The Florida Board of Nursing requires registered nurses to renew their licenses every two years. If you want to remain compliant with the state’s laws and continue practicing as a registered nurse, understanding the license renewal process is critical.

By renewing your credentials, you can keep up with the latest developments in care delivery and achieve more positive patient outcomes. If you do not know what it takes to renew your registered nurse license in Florida, this guide by Fast CE For Less will explain the process.

Steps to Renew Your Registered Nurse License in Florida

If you have been practicing as a registered nurse in Florida for almost two years, the time to renew your credentials is near. This section of the guide will discuss the steps and requirements for your registered nursing license renewal in Florida.

Step 1: Identify Your Deadline for License Renewal

The first and most important step to renewing your registered nurse license in Florida is to know your deadlines. In Florida, the license renewal period is every two years. It means your renewal application deadline should be two years from the date you received your license.

If you fail to submit your renewal application on time, the Florida Board of Nursing will still renew your license. However, the board will charge you a delinquency fee in addition to the standard license renewal fees. To avoid paying extra fees, check with the Florida Board of Nursing to determine your renewal deadline.

Step 2: Complete Your Nursing Continuing Education Requirements for License Renewal

Each state has specific nursing continuing education requirements to retain credentials. Whether you are a registered, licensed, or advanced practice nurse, the board requires at least 24 contact hours of nursing continuing education to renew your license. When taking nursing continuing education courses, you must remember to review the board’s requirements and choose courses to fulfill the requirements accordingly.

The necessary courses include two contact hours on the Prevention of Medical Errors, Florida’s Nursing Laws and Rules, and Human Trafficking. Every other renewal period, you must complete at least two hours on Recognizing Impairment in the Workplace. For every third renewal, you must also complete two hours on Domestic Violence. For the first renewal, the 24 contact hours must include a course on HIV/AIDS.

Step 3: Filing Your License Renewal Application in Florida

You can apply for license renewal in Florida once you fulfill the continuing education requirements to renew your registered nurse license. To apply, visit the license renewal page on the Florida Board of Nursing’s official website. To access your dashboard, you must log in using your personal identifying information. Once you confirm your email address and other details, click “Continue” to reach the dashboard.

If your renewal deadline is close to 90 days away, you will see the “Renew My License” option on your dashboard. If the option does not appear, revisit the dashboard when you are closer to your application deadline.

When the “Renew My License” option is available, click on it and follow the prompts. You must complete all the required information, including providing information on completed continuing education requirements and paying the renewal fees. To pay your license renewal fees, you can use your credit or debit card.

Exemptions for Registered Nurse License Renewal

The Florida Board of Nursing understands that not every nurse can fulfill its requirements to renew credentials. Fortunately, the board has identified a few exemptions.

Exemption for Active-Duty Military Members

For members of the US Armed Forces on active duty, exemption from renewal requirements is possible for the duration of your deployment. Depending on circumstances, you may be eligible for an exemption up to six months after being discharged. That said, you must be in good standing with the Florida Board of Nursing when you become an active member of the armed forces.

Exemption for Public School Health Volunteers

For registered nurses providing volunteering services to Florida residents with limited access to healthcare, you may qualify for an exemption. Depending on individual circumstances, the Florida Board of Nursing might waive your license renewal fee and reduce the required number of contact hours of continuing education requirements.

Exemption for Public School Health Volunteers

For registered nurses volunteering for at least 80 hours, the Florida Board of Nursing might waive your renewal fee and no more than six contact hours of continuing education requirements.

Nursing Continuing Education Requirements to Renew Your Registered Nurse License in Florida

To renew your license as an RN in Florida, you must complete at least 24 hours of nursing continuing education courses every two years. For each renewal period, you must complete two contact hours each on Medical Error Prevention, Florida Nursing Laws and Rules, and Human Trafficking.

If you are renewing it for the first time, you must also complete at least one contact hour on HIV/AIDS. In every other renewal period, you must complete two contact hours on Recognizing Impairment in the Workplace.

For every third renewal period, you must complete 26 hours of continuing education, with at least two contact hours on Domestic Violence. To learn more about the nursing continuing education requirements for license renewals in Florida, visit www.fastceforless.com/nursing-ce-florida.

In addition to understanding the requirements to renew your credentials, you must also ensure you take nursing continuing education courses approved by the Florida Board of Nursing. Fortunately, this is where Fast CE For Less can make your life easier. Visit www.fastceforless.com to access online nursing CEUs in affordable bundles that you can complete online.

It means you can manage your busy nursing schedule and fulfill your continuing education requirements at your convenience, and at a very reasonable price.

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