Continuing Education for Nurses

Fast and Easy Continuing Education for nurses
Our Online CEU Courses For Nurses Include:
- Fast Facts, a condensed version that highlights all the pertinent information in our online nursing continuing education courses
- Nursing CE bundles that meet state nursing requirements
- Receive certificates – no test required
- We also offer free nursing CEUs
Take a Look at Our CEU Courses For Nurses
1. Select & Review Nursing CE Course
2. Complete Course Evaluation
3. Earn Your Nursing CE Certificate
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Full Access to All Courses
Meets All States Requirements
Bundled CE Courses
Fast Facts
Optional Pre & Post-Tests
Instant Certificate
Unlimited CE Courses for 1 Year
No Automatic Renewal
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Continuing Education for Nurses Course FAQ
CE stands for Continuing Education. Nursing CE refers to courses specifically for nursing professionals to broaden skills, increase knowledge, and fulfill state requirements for license renewal.
A CE (Continuing Education) is a learning activity that a licensed nurse must complete to stay current, increase their knowledge, and enhance their skills. The CE represents the number of contact hours associated with a learning activity. CEs can be obtained from degree programs, individual classes, online courses, and seminars. A CEU (Continuing Education Unit) is usually provided by a college or university, and represents the time spent in an educational course or activity.
One CEU is equal to 10 hours of educational instruction, and one CE is equal to a minimum of 50 minutes of continuous learning.
The number of required CEs varies by state, and each State Board of Nursing has designated the specific number of CEs needed for nurses to renew their state nursing license. On the Home page click on your state and review the State Board of Nursing requirements to renew your license or call the State Board of Nursing phone number listed.
You can earn a certificate of completion for any of our continuing education courses by simply filling out a brief evaluation form. No test required. For some courses, some state nursing boards do require nurses complete a test. Make certain you are aware of your state’s requirements.
Certificates of completion can be printed, emailed, or downloaded immediately. Your account will save all your certificates. It is critical that you provide accurate information, including your name, license number, and the state in which you are licensed, as this information will be on the certificate of completion. Fast CE For Less is not liable for any errors or inaccuracies in submissions.
You will have access to your certificates through your account if you keep your subscription active. You will lose access to your account when your membership expires.
Yes. Fast CE For Less is approved by the Nevada State Board of Nursing #NV000839 and recognized by all States and Territories, and through CE Broker #50-30438 for the states of Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Carolina, and West Virginia, California Board of Registered Nursing #17693, as well as the New York State Education Department- Child Abuse and Maltreatment #80955 and Infection Control #IC 207.
Fast CE For Less automatically sends completed continuing education course hours to CE Broker.